
Wales News Online

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CEREDIGION’S revised strategy for home education will be postponed while Welsh Government completes its work on statutory guidance and database regulations that had been due this Senedd term.

The Children’s Commissioner for Wales, Sally Holland, will review the Welsh Government’s actions relating to home education after it said it would not be possible to complete the planned work before the next election due to Covid 19 delays.

The review will focus on decisions and actions pre-pandemic, a letter from the commissioner states, with concerns remaining despite work to progress issues over many years, it adds.

“The aim is to draw up recommendations on next steps that should be taken by this or a future Welsh Government to safeguard the rights of children educated at home or in independent schools,” adds Ms Holland’s letter.

A report to the county council’s cabinet next week states that Ceredigion’s education inclusion service will continue to make working with home educated families a priority but would postpone its revised strategy to “ensure that it aligns with the home education statutory guidance and draft regulations once implemented by Welsh Government.”

Ceredigion County Council’s cabinet will hold a virtual meeting, available to view on Facebook, on Tuesday, November 3.

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