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Hywel Dda vaccine bulletin – issue 6

WELCOME to the sixth edition of Hywel Dda University Health Board’s Vaccine Bulletin.

This weekly update will provide the latest information regarding the progress of the COVID-19 Mass Vaccination Programme across Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire.

With thanks to the amazing efforts of vaccination teams and GP practices across Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire, we can confirm that Hywel Dda UHB has met the first Welsh Government vaccination milestone of offering a first dose to everyone in groups 1 to 4 by Monday 15 February.

Thank you to our community in priority groups 1 to 4 who have come forward in large numbers to receive their vaccine. This puts our three counties in a very strong position to protect the most vulnerable in our communities and our local NHS.

We hope to see this high uptake continue as GP practices start to invite people in priority group 5, those aged 65 to 69 year olds this week. Our aim is to offer everyone in group 5 a first vaccine appointment by Friday 12 March. Further information about where and when group 6 (all individuals aged 16 years to 64 years with underlying health conditions which put them at higher risk of COVID-19) will be invited to receive a vaccine will be provided as soon as possible.

Over the next couple of weeks you may notice the number of vaccines being delivered will slow down compared to recent weeks. This is due to a reduction in the amount of vaccines we will receive – this is a planned and expected change in supply that will affect the whole of the UK. We have factored this into our plans and it will not affect people’s appointments.

As more of our community start to receive a vaccine, people are reminded they must continue to follow current advice and guidance with regards to social distancing and wearing face coverings.

The vaccine will reduce your chance of becoming seriously ill. We do not yet know yet whether it will stop you from catching and passing on the virus.
Second vaccine doses begin

It is important to have both doses of the vaccine to give you the best longer-term protection and this week saw our COVID-19 vaccine programme gearing up to begin the delivery of second COVID-19 vaccine doses. 

Inpatient vaccination programme update
By the end of this week, members of our vaccination teams will have visited all acute, community and Enfys field hospitals to vaccinate patients in priority groups 1 to 4. This will become a rolling programme with all sites revisited to ensure any new admissions who have not yet received the vaccine in the community are vaccinated in line with priority groups.

Total vaccinations per county:
Carmarthenshire 48,230 (25.5%)
Ceredigion 18,701 (25.7%)
Pembrokeshire 38,828 (26.9%)
Other 3,230 – unallocated to county or staff working in but living outside of the three counties

Please don’t contact your GP, pharmacy or health board to ask when you will receive the vaccine
This week, health services have been inundated with calls, emails and social media messages from the public enquiring about the vaccine. We understand people are anxious and want to know when they can have the vaccine. Please do not contact your GP, pharmacy or health board; you will be contacted when it is your turn. People will be invited to receive the vaccine in order of priority, so please be patient.

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