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“I’ll take responsibility for the economy if I’m FM” says Adam Price

A Plaid Cymru First Minister would take “personal responsibility” for the economy after the election, the party has announced today.

Setting out Plaid Cymru’s Welsh Green Deal – a plan to create 60,000 jobs in low carbon sectors, the foundational economy and vital public services – Adam Price, a Harvard-educated economist who worked for years in economic development before entering Parliament, said that the result of the election “will define Wales’s economic fortunes for a generation.”

Adam Price MS said that Plaid Cymru would place the economic recovery “front and centre” of its programme for government, aiming to make Wales a testbed for global innovation on climate change as part of its net-zero carbon by 2035 target.

Plaid Cymru Leader Adam Price MS said:

“The Covid crisis has taught us that we need to build a far more resilient economy if we are to protect jobs and livelihoods in future.

“That is why Plaid Cymru would place the economic recovery front and centre of our programme for government, implementing a Welsh Green Deal, creating 60,000 jobs in low-carbon industries, the foundational economy and our vital public sectors like health and education.

“If elected First Minister, I would take personal responsibility for the economy – a reflection not only of the size of the challenge but also Plaid Cymru’s commitment to overcoming it.

“We want to accelerate the pace of change by putting sustainability at the heart of the economy – something which has happened far too slowly under Labour.

“With a Plaid government, Wales would be at the leading edge of the green industrial revolution, becoming a testbed for global innovation on climate change and helping us achieve a net zero carbon target by 2035.

“We would fire up the Welsh economy after Covid by pressing ahead with infrastructure projects which have sustainability and resilience at their heart, such as achieving nationwide Gigabit connection, growing Welsh ownership of the renewable sector, and expanding and modernising the rail network.

“Thousands of new jobs would also be created in our vital public services, more doctors and nurses to support the vital Covid recovery and a “local first” approach to procurement would boost the foundational economy.”

“Economic competence and creativity have been lacking under Labour. This election will define Wales’s economic fortunes for a generation. Only a vote for Plaid Cymru on May 6th will guarantee a government with a plan to prosper.”

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