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Impact statements released by victims of rape by own father

A SOUTH West Wales man has been sentenced to a 40 year extended life sentence today, (Oct 18), at Swansea Crown Court.

The man has been found guilty of 36 counts of ‘interfamilial rape’. The court heard that he frequently raped two of his daughters and one of their children.

Speaking about the sickening crimes outside the court Detective Chief Inspector Paul Jones said:

“I welcome the sentence given today to this man. However, the sentence he has received is nothing in comparison to the impact he has had and continues to have on his victims’ lives.

“The abuse this father put his own flesh and blood through is just sickening and I am pleased that Dyfed-Powys Police has been able to successfully investigate, charge and convict this monster.

“Their courage in coming forward and reporting this abuse that spanned over the years should not go unrecognised. I sincerely hope this will help them overcome that period of their lives and move forward.

“I hope their strength will give others experiencing abuse the courage to come forward and report it to police. We will do everything in our power to bring offenders like this to justice.”

In a ‘victim impact statement’ Victim 1 said:

“This man was supposed to be my father, it was his responsibility to raise and protect me, not abuse me.

“What I got was a man who used me for his own gratification, controlled what I did, where I went and who I saw. He took my teenage years away from me. This should have been a happy time in my life.

“He made me live in fear continuously whilst growing up. He made me feel so small in a big world, I’ve never had a true friend, never been allowed close to anybody. I was made to feel like a useless individual and that I would get nowhere in life.

“It was not until I met my husband in recent years that I have been able to feel like a normal human being and make my own decisions in life. However this still comes with some insecurities, I feel paranoid if my husband buys me gifts and find it difficult to accept compliments and gestures.

“I have gone on to have two beautiful children and this is what gave me the courage to come forward. I am there to protect my children. I am hoping this will help me move on in my life and give my children the upbringing that I never had.

“I have kept this secret for the past 14 years with him looking over my shoulder. Telling the truth about what happened has finally set me free from him.”

Victim 2 said:

“At the most impressionable age of my life, I went to live with my father. In the beginning, I loved him as a father. I continued to love him despite him tricking me, fooling me and abusing me. I knew no different. I believed it to be a normal upbringing.

“I missed out on learning about life, friends, parties, and work. I never learned what true love was or what a relationship should be. My life has been one big secret.

“It was not until this year I realised what a monster of a man he is. I look back at my life and feel like a fool to have believed everything he told me.”

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