
Wales News Online

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Join Welsh Ambulance Service’s new People and Community Network

THE Welsh Ambulance Service is inviting the public to join its brand new network.

Members of the Trust’s People and Community Network can attend meetings, take surveys and share their own experience at the hands of the ambulance service in order to shape the way services are delivered.

They can also take part in ‘Mystery Shopper’ exercises to identify where improvements could be made, whether to its Emergency Medical Service, Non-Emergency Patient Transport Service or NHS 111 Wales.

The network launches this week, and is open to patients, carers, community groups or anyone with an interest in how the Welsh Ambulance Service works.

Leanne Hawker, the Trust’s Head of Patient Experience and Community Involvement, said: “Patients are at the heart of everything we do, so it’s important we hear first-hand from people with lived experience in order to deliver meaningful improvements.

“With the launch of this network comes an opportunity to engage with people we may not have engaged with before, and enlist as broad a spectrum of people as possible to allow us to deliver more person-centred care.

“In turn, we hope to build a network for all people from all backgrounds, truly representative of the communities we serve.”

Leanne added: “The co-design of services with our communities is key to delivering the best ambulance service possible for people in Wales.

“For us, this is about innovating services for the needs of people, through the inclusion of people.

“Put simply, our message is this – be part of the change you want to see.”

To join the People and Community Network, please complete this online form.

Alternatively, you can email PECI.Team@wales.nhs.uk or call 01792 311773.

Members of the network will receive regular communications from the Welsh Ambulance Service and be given the chance to participate in a Welcome Day.

Follow @WelshAmbPECI on Twitter for more news and updates about the People and Community Network.

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