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Kayaking Keith raises over £1,050 for Hywel Dda Health Charities

WHAT a fantastic achievement by Keith Henson from Nebo, Ceredigion. His virtual fundraising event has raised over £1,050 for Hywel Dda Health Charties and it’s a brrrrrr-illiantly creative idea!

Keith was inspired by his 13-year-old son Siôn to set up a fundraising challenge in aid of his local Diabetes Service, and it involved getting very cold and wet!

A type 1 diabetic, who is currently shielding because he has Common Variable Immune Deficiency, Keith decided to sing Calenning in a kayak, in his snowy garden, while buckets of water were thrown at him!

Keith says: ‘It’s really great to see how people have contributed to fantastic services in Ceredigion by just doing something simple and fun on New Year’s Day. It kept the tradition of Canu Calenning alive and ensured that we enjoyed the wintry conditions in the village whilst allowing people to have a laugh. We set a target of £100, thinking if we get that we’d have done really well. To get to £1,050 (plus gift aid) is a fantastic achievement and we’re all really thankful of donations given to date. This will ensure that the Ceredigion Diabetes Service will be able to continue the excellent service they provide to diabetics of all types. The setting up of the JustGiving page through Hywel Dda was really easy and we would as a family encourage anyone to raise funds for our local NHS services by doing something simple and fun. You don’t always have to run a marathon or climb Everest’.

Anwen Mai Jones is a Community Diabetes Specialist Nurse who has known Keith for a number of years. She said, “Keith is an inspiration for us all and he certainly put a smile on my face on New Year’s Day!  The valuable funds raised will be used locally to support current services and benefit patients.  Ensuring individuals living with a Chronic Condition, such as Diabetes, continue to receive support and management during a pandemic has been a challenge.  However, it is essential that services adapt to support both physical and emotional health to prevent development of the longer term complications.”

The funds raised through Keith’s challenge will be used to support the evolving services above and beyond what the NHS provides.

Nicola Llewelyn, Head of Hywel Dda Health Charities, said: “We would like to thank Keith for his creative fundraising efforts and inspirational support.  Fundraisers like Keith make a huge difference to the lives of NHS patients and staff in Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire, and we are very grateful to anyone who decides to give something back to our NHS charities.”

You can find out more at www.hywelddahealthcharities.org.uk


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