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Lawyers call for UK government action on injury prevention

INJURY prevention must be treated by Government as a public health priority, lawyers have said in response to a new report published today (August 13) by a top UK think tank.

The Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) has backed a call from the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) for a UK-wide high-level injury prevention strategy. A key part of that strategy would be the establishment of an injury prevention commissioner to coordinate different sectors and ensure Government action.

“Needless injury can shatter the lives of individuals and has a direct impact on society and the economy,” said APIL chief executive Mike Benner. “The time to take injury prevention seriously is long overdue, which is why we are very happy to support this report.”

According to the report ”Better than Cure*, key features of the strategy should include ‘political leadership, involving stakeholders, creating cross-sector ownership, and determining mechanisms to ensure action and accountability.’

“Health is now top of the public agenda which means this is exactly the right time to examine the issue of needless injury and how it can be prevented,” said Mr Benner.

“APIL’s vision is of a society without needless injury in the workplace, in our hospitals and on the roads,” he said. “This important research report must now be the catalyst for action.”

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