
Wales News Online

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Licensing team recommends suspending new applications for taxi drivers

COUNCILLORS are being asked to stop new taxi driver applications until further notice.

The extra MOT inspections carried out on Hackney carriages and private hire vehicles are also requested to be cancelled, a report to Pembrokeshire County Council’s urgency committee states.

Other conditions are asked to be suspended for an initial period of three months including producing driver badges at renewal and medical certificates, in cases where they are required.

Renewal applications can still be made via email.

The licensing team is making the recommendation to suspend new applications due to Covid-19 as “processing any one of these applications necessitates face to face contact with the applicant.”

A full medical certificate from the applicant’s GP is also required but not possible to obtain currently.

Instead of driving badges the licensing will generate an A4 licence template, with photograph, for drivers to display, if councillors approve the changes.

The urgency committee is being asked to consider the changes on Thursday, May 28 with the licensing committee not currently meeting.

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