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Local Members of the Senedd congratulate Swansea Canal Society

REBECCA Evans and Jeremy Miles, Members of the Senedd for Gower and Neath, have congratulated the Swansea Canal Society for having received the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service. It is the highest award a voluntary group can receive in the UK – the MBE for volunteer groups.

The Swansea Canal Society is a group of volunteers based around the Swansea Canal in the Lower Swansea Valley, which aims to promote the heritage and history of the canal, protect its wildlife, restore the canal to navigable standards, to improve the canal environment for the health and benefit of all local residents and visitors.

Rebecca Evans MS said: “I have had the privilege of spending time with volunteers of the society, and have seen first hand the great work they do to ensure that the Swansea Canal continues to be an important visitor destination in our community, and a wonderful resource for local residents. This recognition is richly deserved.

Jeremy Miles MS for Neath said: “My huge congratulations to Swansea Canal Society, who have been honoured with the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service. Well done and thank you to all the volunteers who work tirelessly in regenerating the Swansea canal, both as an asset for active recreation and as a heritage visitor destination.”

The Queen’s Award for volunteers recognises the work the society has done in regenerating the Swansea Canal as a community asset for active recreation and as a heritage visitor destination. The Swansea Canal Society is one of 230 charities, social enterprises and voluntary groups to receive the prestigious award this year. The number of nominations remains high year on year, showing that the voluntary sector is thriving and full of innovative ideas to make life better for those around them.

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