
Wales News Online

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Mark Drakeford unveils new Welsh Labour Party Political Broadcast

PEOPLE across Wales have endorsed Mark Drakeford and Welsh Labour as the ambitious, outward looking team that will move Wales forward.

In a new PPB released today (Wednesday), voters from Llangollen, Flint, Newport and Cardiff give their reasons why they are backing Welsh Labour in May’s elections.

16-year-old Poppy from Newport will cast her ballot thanks to Welsh Labour changing the law to allow 16 and 17 year olds to vote. She says “Welsh Labour want ours to be the best country in the world to be a young person in. I know they see young people as voices to be listened to, and as citizens with a stake in the future of our country.”

Feroze, who is 76 from Cardiff, is ambitious for his 3-year-old grandson. He says “I’m excited that the country my Grandson will grow up in won’t hide its light under a bushel, or be anybody’s poor relation. He’ll grow up in a country that knows just how great it is – and knows that its best days are ahead.”

Joe, 29 from Flint, highlights how the Welsh Labour Government has guaranteed free school meals through to Easter next year and is building new schools and colleges across Wales. He adds: “Even as they’re dealing with the challenges of today, they’re moving Wales forward to a socially just and sustainable future.”

And for Eleri Edwards, 83 years old from Llangollen, it’s because of Welsh Labour’s cautious and careful response to Coronavirus. She says “This pandemic has shown how Wales can lead the way – trusting those institutions which understand the communities they serve. Welsh Labour have told it like it is. They’ve kept people safe and taken the difficult decisions necessary – even when it was unpopular.”

In the PPB, Welsh Labour Leader & First Minister Mark Drakeford says:

“People like Poppy, Feroze, Joe and Eleri make Wales the country I am proud to lead.

“It is stories like theirs that inspire me and my Government every day as we chart a path together out of this pandemic, determined to use the lessons we have learnt to move Wales forward.

On his vision to move Wales forward, he says:

“Our vision for Wales is bold and ambitious – as it should be. And as we have seen more than ever in this past year, ours is a country that has extraordinary capacity to meet the sternest of challenges. To not just match other countries, but to show them the way.

“I know the months ahead will bring difficulties and there will be disappointments.

“But I believe more firmly than ever that Wales does not just stand ready to overcome them – but to use these challenges to build a country that is ready to face the future with confidence – so that we can move Wales forward together.”

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