
Wales News Online

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A pub in Merthyr Tydfil is applying for a new licence but a resident has concerns over privacy and safety.
The Taffy on Bethesda Street is applying for a new premises licence which will be considered at a Merthyr Tydfil Council statutory licensing committee on Wednesday, July 28.
During the consultation period  an objection was received, therefore the application is being brought before the licensing sub-committee for determination.
The application asks for permission for the supply of alcohol on the premises only, opening hours and indoor recorded music from 11am to 11pm from Monday to Sunday.
The applicant said in the application that they intend to use it as a normal public house and only on the ground floor and that they have got 20 years experience of running pubs and clubs.
An email of representation was received from a local resident who objected to the licence application.
It said it relates to the licensing objective of the prevention of public nuisance.
The email added that neighbouring gardens could be accessed from the premises and, although the beer garden has been withdrawn from the application,  if the intention is to allow the side area to be used as a smoking area the objector asked if they would be able to control the behaviour of customers and guarantee the privacy and safety of residents and their properties.
The email said they have had issues in the past with this and that it made their gardens unusable and it asked if this can be prevented as they are concerned their properties will be targeted.
It also said the front pavement has been used as a smoking area for drunken customers in the past and that it is “very unsettling and intimidating” to have to walk in a busy road to avoid groups of drunken patrons.
Representations were received from South Wales Police and trading standards, who both requested that certain conditions be added to the premises licence and the applicant has amended the application to place all conditions requested by South Wales Police and trading standards on the licence and so neither body has any objections on this basis.
The smoking shelter proposals included in the application would see no customers being permitted out the front of the premises to smoke and this has already been agreed with South Wales Police.
A  smoking shelter would be erected in a specific area and the designated smoking area will be in the smoking shelter only.
The maximum number of customers in the smoking shelter would be four and signs will be displayed on the front and rear doors regarding the designated smoking area with this already having been agreed with the police.
There would also be CCTV coverage of the enclosed external area, which will include the smoking shelter.
The proposal was sent to the local resident but the objection had not been withdrawn at the time the committee report was written.

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