A “much-needed” social housing scheme in Denbigh has been given the green light by Denbighshire Council’s planning committee.
Applicant Grwp Cynefin sought full planning consent for the erection of seven terraced houses and four apartments on the site of Pennant Flats on Henllan Street.
The proposal was submitted as a 100% affordable housing scheme, and the plans included access, parking, and landscaping.
Local member Cllr Delyth Jones spoke in favour of the development.
“It has been designed to replace two blocks of 24 flats that existed previously on this site,” said Cllr Jones.
“Even though the roof line appears higher than the nearby houses, I believe the location of the new units within the site and the need to mitigate against floods means that it will be suitable for this location.
“The scheme is a good reflection of the nearby houses. I’m very aware much work has been done on the plans in order to conform with the flooding improvements and the requirements that have been fulfilled.
“I welcome the additional clause which requires the colour and the type of materials which will make them sympathetic to nearby houses.
“It offers 100% social housing. It has been long awaited and much needed for a long list of applications for similar homes in the area. I have no objection, and I hope the panel wish to approve.”
There will be 24 parking spaces, including two disabled spaces.
The existing access to the site will also be widened from 4m to 4.8m.
As a result of the topography of the site, the apartments will appear as two storey when viewed from Henllan Street.
The committee voted in favour of the application, following 19 councillors backing the development.
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