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Neil Hamilton MS encourages the public to support pubs and social clubs

NEIL Hamilton, MS for Mid & West Wales, and Leader of UKIP Wales is backing a national campaign to encourage everyone to show their support for their ‘local’.

Mr Hamilton, a member of the Climate Change, Environment and Rural Affairs committee, is supporting an initiative to get people to talk about why pubs and social clubs matter.

He said:

“I am delighted to lend my support to this national campaign and urge my constituents to also get involved. I shall certainly be sharing a message and call on everyone to do the same.

“As a long term supporter of CAMRA I am totally against the ridiculous and unfair measures the Welsh Government are taking against the hospitality sector.

“Pubs are an icon of the British way of life and there is nothing quite like them elsewhere. These places in Wales have faced the brunt of Welsh Labour’s draconian lockdown restrictions and their latest ban on alcohol and the 6pm curfew could be the final nail in the coffin for much of the pub industry.

“These measures are unjust and wholly disproportionate. This is a devastating hammer blow, particularly after businesses have spent large amounts to make their premises Covid secure.  The alcohol ban is crucifying Welsh pubs on the border who are losing business to their English counterparts down the road.

“Welsh Government seems to have lost all touch with reality. I have consistently spoken and voted against the Covid regulations since they were first imposed last March but Labour, supported by Plaid and with no substantial opposition from the Tories, can carry all before them.  They don’t even have the courtesy to bring regulations to the Senedd before implementing them – we are asked to rubber stamp after the event.”

The new #PubsMatter campaign has been organised by the British Beer and Pub Association. BBPA, the British Institute of Innkeeping, BII, the Campaign for Real Ale, CAMRA,  the Independent Family Brewers of Britain, IFBB, the Society of Independent Brewers, SIBA and UK Hospitality.

The initiative is aimed at getting everyone talking about why pubs and social clubs across the UK are a force of good.

Pubs and brewers are facing heavy restrictions on trade going into the festive period, particularly in Wales and it is vital everyone is reminded of how important pubs are to communities.

Under the Coronavirus Regulations, pubs and hospitality businesses have faced extra restrictions which has decimated trade for pubs and brewers, left many at risk of closure, andpeople can’t benefit from the social and wellbeing benefits of going to the pub.

Publicans have spent thousands making their pubs Covid secure, improving ventilation, implementing cleaning regimes and helping with Test and Trace. Butin most parts of the UK people can’t meet in pubs, regardless of what publican shave done to help people socialise safely in small groups.

Christmas rules mean that extended households can’t visit the pub together, but will be allowed to mix, unsupervised in homes. These rules will deal another blow to takings, at what is usually the most important time of year for trade.

Pubs and the brewers who supply them need fair treatment and a dedicated financial support package to protect pubs for communities, and to compensate them for loss of trade.

Organisers want people who love pubs to get involved by sharing a personal message on why Pubs Matter to you on social media.

For more information go to https://whypubsmatter.org.uk/

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