
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

NEW contracts for 25 bus routes in Swansea were described as “a bit of a minefield” by a cabinet member.

Cllr Mark Thomas thanked officers at a meeting for working their way through “quite complex arrangements” and saving taxpayers’ money at the same time.

The four-year contracts agreed at the meeting are for routes covering the city centre, Townhill, Clase, Birchgrove, Pontarddulais and Gower, among others. Two of them extend into Carmarthenshire.

Three companies tendered for the contracts, and the new arrangements will save the council around £42,000 per year while not affecting service frequency.

The total cost of the contracts is just under £948,000 annually, with Carmarthenshire Council’s contribution factored in.

“These are quite complex arrangements,” said Cllr Thomas, cabinet member for the environment and infrastructure. “It’s a bit of a minefield.”

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