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New Swansea Council £20m pandemic recovery stimulus fund created

A NEW £20m fund is being created by Swansea Council to help the city’s businesses and its communities emerge stronger from the Covid pandemic.

The stimulus package will be targeted towards four key areas – the local economy, people and jobs people’s well-being and communities.

It will help create and protect 10,000 jobs, provide grants for businesses, improve transport links and reward key workers who served their communities during the pandemic.

Rob Stewart, Leader of Swansea Council, said the aim was to pump financial support into areas where it was most needed and help drive the city forward as it emerges from lockdown and the longer-term effects of the pandemic.

“The past 12 months have had a massive impact on the economy, globally and locally, and on our communities and we know it is going to take years to recover.

“But in Swansea, we want to help that recovery by pumping investment and extra support into our businesses and communities so we can help speed up that recovery and emerge stronger.”

The support includes:

Local economy: providing grants for businesses, improving local retail areas outside of the city centre, better transport links and targeted parking promotions to help boost local businesses.

People and jobs: create and retain 10,000 jobs, more support for the homeless, more apprenticeships and job opportunities.

Well-being: investment in better sports and play equipment, upgrade sea defences and improve the seafront prom, more cycling and walking routes and a scheme to reward front-line and blue lightworkers; and

Community: creating green areas, a new rapid response flood team, new street cleaning task force, improved CCTV and free public wifi.

Cllr Stewart added:

“Our Council has been here for the people of Swansea throughout the pandemic and we will be here for them as we emerge from lockdown and begin our recovery.

“This package of support goes right across our communities, from the city centre to all corners of Swansea.

“We’ll be supporting those who’ve been hard hit during the lockdown by supporting businesses get back on their feet, creating jobs for local people and improving housing and community facilities for families.

“We’ll also be recognising and rewarding those like our key workers who’ve put their lives on the line to help others.”

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