
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

NEIL Hamilton, AM for Mid & West Wales and Leader of UKIP Wales, is calling on local firms not to miss out on an opportunity to be on the suppliers list for Carmarthenshire County Council.

Mr Hamilton is urging small and medium companies in his Region to attend advice sessions to find out how they can compete for the chance to supply goods, works and services in the county.

He said: “I am a great supporter of any initiative which encourages and helps local businesses to grow and prosper. It is good to see Carmarthenshire County Council making sure companies are given every assistance to become a supplier.

“This is the best way of ensuring projects are carried out by businesses in the county and, of course, this gives a boost to our local economy. “The advice sessions offer firms the chance to discover more about what current and future trading opportunities are available in the area and how to apply.

“It is vital for local businesses to take advantage of these events so they can compete for a place on the suppliers list.”

The sessions are due to be held at the CAVS Offices, Queen Street, Carmarthen, on Wednesday March 25 (for third sector organisations only): Yr Egin S4C Studios, Carmarthen, on Wednesday April 1 and Botanic Gardens, Llanarthney, Wednesday April 8. Booking is essential and for more details email: kbaker@carmarthenshire.gov.uk

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