
Wales News Online

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AMBULANCES in Pembrokeshire attended the majority of the most serious emergency calls within the Welsh Government’s eight minute target over the last two months.

Christian Newman, Welsh Ambulance Service Trust (WAST) paramedic locality manager updated members of the Pembrokeshire community health council at its meeting on August 7.

In May the number of ‘red’ calls attended in eight minutes was lower, at 58 per cent but there was a far higher number of this category call, according to figures presented.

The target is 65 per cent.

There were a total of 1774 call outs in May, 106 of which were red, the most serious, immediately life threatening calls, and 1218 were amber.

In June there were 1622 call outs across Pembrokeshire, 67 red and 1101 amber.

Of the 67 red calls, 65 per cent were attended within the target eight minutes.

While last month the total jumped to 1733 but with 93 red and 1175 amber calls (67 per cent of red attended within eight minutes).

The median response time for amber calls – serious but not immediately life threatening -was around the 20 minute mark.

Each month saw around 450 green call outs, the least urgent.

Mr Newman told the CHC members that those over eight minutes were reached quickly with “nine minute responses about 75 per cent and 10 minutes around 80 per cent.”

His report adds that there had been a reduction in time lost at handover at Withybush, from 234 notifications of more than 15 minutes in May to 123 in July, and nearly 70 per cent within target last month.

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