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Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority agree increase in spending on planning consultants

NATIONAL PARK planners can spend up to £25,000 on planning consultants following a variation of financial standards approved this week.

The Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority met virtually on Wednesday, December 2 and agreed a request to change the limit on planning consultant spend to £25,000, an increase from £10,000.

Nicola Gandy, director of planning and park direction, told members that the request would allow the development management service to continue working with Prospero Planning to assist with an application backlog cause by lockdown and previous IT issues.

The committee heard that the department was also one planning officer down, due to illness, and the expenditure with the consultant company had already reached £6,100.

“It’s anticipated that towards the beginning of next year we’re likely to break the £10,000,” she added.
The company is one that had worked with the park on previous occasions and knew the staff and systems, which assisted with the work undertaken with a “substantial chunk” passed to it recently.

Members agreed to the maximum spend on the provision of a development management consultant service at £25,000.

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