
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

SENIOR councillors have discussed the shortlist of applicants for the top job at Pembrokeshire County Council.

Following the departure of Ian Westley last year the council has run a £26,000 recruitment campaign to find someone to take on the permanent chief executive role.

Interim chief executive Richard Brown moved from his role in Head of Environmental Services and Public Protection to cover the job until a new appointment is made.

Earlier this month the senior staff committee discussed a longlist of applicants suitable for interview. On Monday (February 22) the shortlist of those in line for the job was on the agenda.

As on previous occasions, the meeting went into private session, with just the first five minutes of the meeting webcast to the viewing public.

The discussions can be restricted under the Local Government Act exempt information which includes information relating to particular information and information which is likely to reveal the identity of an individual.


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