
Wales News Online

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Pembrokeshire National Park to buy 30 acres of land to enhance biodiversity

AROUND 30 acres of land in Trefin will be bought by the National Park to enhance biodiversity despite a concern that the plan was “nationalising land.”

County councillor Di Clements questioned the plan to buy the land using a Welsh Government grant at Wednesday’s (Dec,2) Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority meeting.

She said she was against in principle because “it’s almost like nationalising land” referring to park policy to hold the “minimum estate necessary to deliver park purposes.”

Other committee members welcomed the plan which aims to support carbon sequestration – the process of capturing and storing atmospheric carbon dioxide – and increase biodiversity while increasing the area of land “under perpetual favourable management for National Park purposes.”

Dr Madeleine Havard said she was “very supportive” and the proposal would bolster the successful work with landowners on conservation and biodiversity.

“If we get a bit more land to show by example and working with people to show what’s possible it will be really helpful,” she added.

The cost of the land has been negotiated down to £200,000 and will be bought using a Welsh Government sustainable landscape, sustainable places funding.

A report adds that the purchase will safeguard the land and create an adjacent strip with a coastal strip of land Trywn Llwyd already owned by the park and its easy access for community and visitors was an added bonus.

The plan includes restoring a mixture of coastal grassland, species-rich grassland, scattered scrub and boundary features for the benefit of a whole range of typical coastal species and increasing the resilience of coastal habitats.

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