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Plaid Cymru Independence Commission report published

THE major recommendation in a report just published by Plaid Cymru’s Independence Commission is that

A Self-Determination (Wales) Bill to prepare Wales for independence should be legislated for by an incoming Plaid Cymru government following May 2021 Senedd election.
The Commission says that with its own Senedd and legislative powers, Wales is already on a journey to independence.​
The Self-Determination (Wales) Bill, would establish a Statutory National Commission to provide the people of Wales with a clear understanding of their future constitutional options. Citizens’ Assemblies drawn from across the spectrum of Welsh life would have a vital input.
It is also recommended that an initial referendum should test a range of constitutional preferences with the outcome used to persuade the UK Government to agree to a further binary referendum. The Welsh people then would choose between the status quo and their preferred choice in the first referendum.

Commission chair, Rt Hon Elfyn Llwyd said,

“Many of our people have become aware for the first time of the positive advantages for Wales of possessing its own democratic institutions, the Senedd and Welsh Government. The Commission believes that independence, providing much greater control of our own affairs, is the status for which Wales should aim.”

“The people of Wales are central to the independence process and they need to have a clear understanding of the options available for their political future. Ahead of a referendum on independence a National Commission and associated Citizens Assemblies should be established to ensure maximum awareness, participation, and involvement.”

The report also argues that only independence can bring a fundamental improvement to the Welsh economy. It says Wales has failed to make economic progress not because the country is too small or too poor, but because it is trapped within an economy overwhelmingly shaped in the interests of the City of London.

Mr Llwyd added,

“This flawed model has been proven not to deliver prosperity to Wales and offers no expectation of doing so in the future. An independent Wales would be free to change this. It would no longer be a region subordinated to the interests of London and the south-east of England or be subject to the fiscal policies determined by the UK Government.

“There are lessons to be learned from Ireland, formerly one of the most peripheral and poorest parts of the UK. It is now a confident, self-assured independent nation, one of the richest parts of these Isles, with a seat at the United Nations.”

Plaid Cymru Leader Adam Price said,

“I’d like to thank the Commission for their excellent work over the past year. Plaid Cymru will now consider its recommendation over the coming months.

“Something is happening in Wales. Support for independence is at the highest it has ever been. Our nation is on the march and people are waking up to the idea that independence is possible.

“This report will play a crucial role in the national conversation on independence. After all, creating a new Wales is the work of an entire nation, all of its people and all of its perspectives. Get involved, join the conversation

“Many of our people have become aware for the first time of the positive advantages for Wales of possessing its own democratic institutions, the Senedd and Welsh Government. The Commission believes that independence, providing much greater control of our own affairs, is the status for which Wales should aim.”

“The people of Wales are central to the independence process and they need to have a clear understanding of the options available for their political future. Ahead of a referendum on independence a National Commission and associated Citizens Assemblies should be established to ensure maximum awareness, participation, and involvement.








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