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Plans for 25 business units in Ebbw Vale lodged with council

DETAILED plans for six buildings to provide 25 new business units in Ebbw Vale have been lodged with Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council.

The scheme, proposed by CRT property investments, would create 4,065 square metres of space on land off the southern end of Lime Avenue and will

The plan includes a new access road and junction off Lime Avenue, drainage, landscaping, car parking, and associated works.

Planning permission for a very similar scheme was originally granted to the council itself in December 2019.

One difference is that this application is that CRT also want permission for B8 use, which is for storage and distribution, as well as B1 and B2 planning uses, for offices and general industrial units from the original plans.

CRT’s agents Asbri planning limited explain the scheme in a Planning, Design and Access statement

Asbri said: “It is considered that the scheme represents an efficient use of land within Ebbw Vale and the proposed development of the site will reflect and
enhance the character of the surrounding area.

“The scheme, as presented, complies with the relevant national and local planning policies and will ultimately assist in contributing towards much-needed employment units within Blaenau Gwent.”

Before the scheme was submitted to Blaenau Gwent at the end of 2021, the company held a pre-application  consultation between November 15 and December 13, 2021.

Part of this consultation included looking through the original planning permission conditions from 2019 and looking to see what details would be required in this application.

They hoped that this would mean they can keep the number of conditions they need to comply with down.

This would allow the firm to start the building work on site “as soon as possible.”

Asbri said:  “It is evident that pre-application feedback from Blaenau
Gwent County Borough Council has confirmed the principle of
redeveloping the site is acceptable and the design has evolved.”

Documents show that provision will be made for 10 electric vehicle charging points as part of an overall number of 46 parking spaces.

Asbri add: “The planning application has been supported by a suite of studies which have confirmed that the proposal meets all acceptable provisions
embodied in Planning Policy Wales, policies in the adopted Cardiff Local
Development Plan and associated supplementary planning guidance.”

A decision by planners is expected by February 13.

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