
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

THE owner of Mumbles Pier is considering a new use for an old lifeboat cottage, which has been earmarked for a restaurant.

Site owner and family-owned firm Ameco has applied to Swansea Council for residential use for the Old Lifeboat Cottage.

It was built in 1884, and originally housed the Swansea lifeboat. It was then used for storage before first-floor accommodation was added.

More recently the stone and render building has had office use – and in 2007 Ameco gained planning consent for an extended restaurant.

Since that time Ameco has gained approval for 26 foreshore flats and a headland hotel building.

While the restaurant use is still in force, the company is keen to explore the idea of turning the cottage from offices into a home again.

A design statement submitted as part of Ameco’s latest application said: “The change of use of the old lifeboat cottage to provide residential accommodation requires no external alterations to the building, as well as only minor internal alterations.”

The proposed home would have two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen and a living area – all on the first floor – with a garage and storage space below.

The cottage is currently being used as offices for contractors who are refurbishing the Victorian-era pier a couple of hundred yards away.

The grade two-listed pier is due to reopen to the public on June 28, although the restoration work will continue for a good while longer.

Ameco will also build a new boardwalk linking the pier down to Mumbles Amateur Rowing Club before the foreshore flats and headland building get under way.

The pier pavilion will also be upgraded.

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