
Wales News Online

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PLANS for a new data centre in Newport has been given the go-ahead despite parking and air quality concerns.

Newport City Council’s planning committee agreed to grant permission for a new two-storey data centre on land south of The Courtyard at Imperial Park near Next Generation Data’s current centre.

Concerns had been raised by residents in advance of the meeting about parking and noise disturbance, which was echoed by councillors.

Councillors also raised concerns over the air quality, but these were alleviated by the planning officers.

Cllr John Guy said: “It’s fantastic to see this futuristic development but my concern is the scientific emissions and the actual sound.”

Cllr Richard White also raised similar concerns.

The new data centre will sit south of four data centre pods, which were approved in September last year.

The plans for the new data centre include 10 data halls, 60 back-up generators and car parking.

A design and access statement for the scheme says that it would “would transform Newport from one of the United Kingdom’s leading data centres hubs into one of Europe’s leading data centre hubs”.

It says: “The proposed data centre is a cutting-edge and bespoke design and will be purpose-built for a high-profile, world-renowned, industry-leading company.”

The applicant, Next Generation Data, has had its existing data centre at Imperial Park for more than a decade.

In addition to data storage, the site would provide 40 car parking spaces, a security cabin and a four-metre high security fence.

The building could occupy up to 40 staff, although it is anticipated some will work remotely and make use of shared facilities at the existing data centre.

The access statement says the building would be operated 24-hours per day throughout the year.

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