
Wales News Online

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DETAILED plans for nine new homes in Castle Caereinion have been submitted to Powys planners.

Part of the argument to justify the plans submitted by AN and D Davies & Son, is that the homes would provide more children for the village primary school, which is now under threat of closure.

The homes would be built at Tynllan Farm on the northern edge of the village.
They are a mixture of three and four bedroom houses, and one two bedroomed bungalow.
Several of the houses would have double garages.

Agent, Gerallt Davies of Roger Parry and Partners, explained the proposal in a  planning statement.
Mr Davies said: “It is clear that Castle Caereinion is a village of growth, with a host of developments occurring in the last couple of years.

“Existing properties are not left on the market long if they are valued realistically, showing evidence of a need and demand for housing in the area.
“Therefore this development of nine dwellings, will assist in supplying that demand.”

Mr Davies added: “Socially, the development will provide more children for the primary  school.
“Smaller schools within Powys are currently struggling to remain open and this
development will assist in ensuring Castle Caereinion primary school remains necessary and open.”
“The proposed scheme will inevitably boost the local economy, in providing a development that will be providing work during construction to local businesses and labourers.

Mr Davies added that the site was a “relatively disused” farmyard and should be acceptable as a residential development.
Outline planning permission for nine dwellings with garages, new vehicular
access, formation of estate road and all associated works/infrastructure had been given to the applicants in August 2018.
The application will be decided at a later date.

In February, Powys County Council’s cabinet voted unanimously to go  ahead and start the statutory process to close the Castle Caereinion Church in Wales primary school.

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