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Police and Crime Commissioner continues to secure extraordinary funding for organisations that support victims of domestic and sexual violence in Dyfed-Powys

LAST year, in light of the significant impact of the Covid pandemic on organisations supporting victims of domestic and sexual violence, Police and Crime Commissioner Dafydd Llywelyn invited organisations to bid for additional funding to ensure that the most vulnerable in society receive the support they need during the pandemic. The funding is part of a £76 million package of support made available by the UK Government.

In readiness for the new financial year, Mr Llywelyn is again making the offer for organisations that support victims of domestic and sexual abuse to bid for additional funds via his office.

Police and Crime Commissioner Dafydd Llywelyn said; “Thanks to this additional funding, we can ensure that victims and survivors of domestic abuse and sexual violence in Dyfed-Powys can access specialist services for support, at a time when they are needed the most.

“Unfortunately, we have seen a rise in domestic violence during the pandemic and victims need help now more than ever and I am grateful for the work of all the service providers across the Force area that help these men, women and families who are most in need.

“I want to reassure anyone who is in an abusive situation or relationship that you do not need to suffer in silence, and I urge anyone to report abuse to the Police on 101 or 999 in an emergency.

“This funding is open both to providers whom I currently commission and those that I do not currently fund. However, unlike the extraordinary Covid-19 funding provided in 2020/21, organisations do not need to be a registered charity, a charitable incorporated organisation, or a social enterprise to be eligible for this funding. They must, however, provide support services which have the purpose of helping victims of sexual violence or domestic abuse cope with the impacts of crime and, as far as possible, recover from the harm they have experienced. We would also encourage applications from small specialist organisations that support groups with protected characteristics.

“If you wish to submit a request for this funding, further guidance is available on my website, and can be requested via the office e-mail address.”

Closing date for submissions is close of play on Friday 12th March 2021.

Any queries should be directed to Alison Perry, Director of Commissioning, via OPCC@dyfed-powys.pnn.police.uk

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