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Dafydd Llywelyn, Dyfed-Powys police and crime commissioner (pic by Richard Youle and free for use for all BBC wire partners)

Police and Crime Commissioner encourages residents to take part in Volunteer Schemes during 2021 Volunteer’s Week

POLICE and Crime Commissioner Dafydd Llywelyn is encouraging residents in Dyfed Powys to become involved in aspects of his scrutiny work as Commissioner, by becoming members of his volunteer schemes.

As part of Volunteer’s Week, the PCC will meet with some of his volunteers to thank them for their work, and will also be looking to recruit additional volunteers.  In particular, the PCC is keen to increase the number of volunteers from ethnic and minority groups to his volunteer groups.

Police and Crime Commissioners across the country work with volunteer groups to support their scrutiny of policing services. Volunteer groups will work with Commissioners on a number of schemes to help support vulnerable people; ensure professionalism within Police forces; give confidence that high standards are upheld; protect people’s rights; and enable challenge if things are not as what is expected.

Police and Crime Commissioner Dafydd Llywelyn said; “My volunteers play an important part in helping me deliver my vision set out in the Police and Crime plan and I am very grateful to every single person who volunteers with me to deliver these vital schemes.

“This week marks international volunteers’ week. Over the last year, a number of my schemes may have been unable to carry out their usual duties. However, I am grateful to each individual for their continued engagement with the Office and their commitment over the past year in ensuring that the public remain both safe and confident, and I look forward to meet up with them during the week.”

“As part of this year’s Volunteer’s week, I would in particular like to encourage individuals from ethnic minority groups to become a volunteer who would be able to provide diverse views and perspectives in our scrutiny of police services here in Dyfed Powys.  I want to ensure that my volunteer schemes are representative of our local communities.”

The Dyfed-Powys Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office currently hosts four volunteer schemes, which include, the Independent Custody Visiting scheme, the Animal Welfare visitors, a Quality Assurance Panel, and the Youth Forum with Youth Ambassadors.

Independent Custody Visitors (ICVs) are volunteers from the local community who visit police custody suites in pairs, unannounced, to check on the welfare of detainees and to ensure that their rights are upheld.

With the Animal Welfare Scheme, volunteers are members of the local community with experience of working dogs and professionals from animal welfare organisations. Volunteers in the Animal Welfare Scheme observe, comment and report upon the welfare and condition under which police dogs are housed, trained, transported and deployed.

The Quality Assurance Panel was established in December 2016 to review the quality of police contact with the public, in a transparent and independent manner, on behalf of local communities.

The Panel are increasingly invited by the Force to review additional areas of police contact, which is testimony to the value of their feedback in supporting customer focussed service improvements. This work is vital to ensure the highest of standards in Dyfed-Powys.

Elisa Davies, from Montgomeryshire who is a volunteer on the Quality Assurance Panel said, “I was very surprised to hear that I had actually been attending QAP Meetings and Events for 6 years.   It has been such a satisfying voluntary role, It has been a privilege and I am confident that through our regular scrutiny work, the Panel has contributed to the valuable work of Dyfed Powys Police.

The Police and Crime Commissioner has a Youth Forum whom he meets with regularly to have their views on policing matters, and to ensure that young people’s voices are heard. In recent months, the Youth Forum has developed a short film sharing some experiences that young people have had of police contact.  The short film is to be used as a learning resource within officer training courses with Dyfed-Powys Police’s Learning and Development department.

Mr Llywelyn said; “Alongside the individuals who volunteer to help me in my role, volunteers also play a vital part in the work of Dyfed-Powys Police, including cadets, specials, chaplains, victim support and volunteers who volunteer in a wide range of roles in order to support the work of Police staff and Officers.

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our volunteers both within my office and the force. We greatly appreciate all the time and commitment you give to both the work of the force and my office.”

Anyone who is interested in any of the PCC’s Volunteer Scheme’s are asked to contact the office for further information on 01267 226440 or by email: opcc@dyfed-powys.pnn.police.uk.

Volunteer handbooks are also available to download from the website; www.dyfed-powys-pcc.org.uk

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