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Police and Crime Commissioner hits the ground running with the launch of a public consultation on new police and crime plan

DYFED-Powys Police and Crime Commissioner Dafydd Llywelyn has begun consulting on his new Police and Crime Plan for the area, which will cover his second term of office.

Mr Llywelyn is seeking the views of residents, businesses, community groups, partner organisations and victims of crime in order to get as wide a range of views as possible on their priorities and concerns that will form the backbone of his plan for 2022 to 2025.

Over the last week, the PCC has been visiting police stations in Pembrokeshire, Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Powys meeting with police officers and staff to hear their views on crime and policing in those areas, and also on the appointment of the Force’s next Chief Constable.  The Commissioner will then consult with several community groups and is keen to get the views of as many individuals as possible.

Police and Crime Commissioner Dafydd Llywelyn said: “The people of Dyfed-Powys are at the heart of everything I do as a Commissioner. As I look forward to developing my Police and Crime Plan for the next three years, it is important for me to understand your views on policing in the area.  This is a crucial consultation and I hope as many people as possible can respond – your input will go a long way in steering the priorities of my Police and Crime Plan”.

By law, every Commissioner has to produce a Police and Crime Plan that sets out priorities and will be the basis for how they hold the Chief Constable and the police force to account. This plan will set the direction for policing and community safety over the Dyfed-Powys Police and Crime Commissioner’s term of office.

The PCC in particular, will be calling for views and evidence on themes such as;

  1. Support to victims
  2. Accessibility of Police Service
  3. Crime Prevention Activities
  4. Justice
  5. Future Well-being

The consultation begun on 25 May 2021 with several sessions held with special interest groups.  The consultation will open up for the wider public later on in June. To participate in the formal consultation, please email opcc@dyfed-powys.pnn.police.uk.

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