
Wales News Online

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Police investigate theft of coat from Tenby public house

Dyfed-Powys Police is investigating the theft of a £300 All Saints branded coat from The Three Mariners public house on St George’s Street, Tenby.

On the evening of Saturday, February 2, 2019, it is believed a woman took the jacket that belonged to another customer and has not returned it to the public house. In the pocket of the jacket were keys to the owner’s car and the B&B where she was staying that evening.

Officers would like to speak to the woman in the CCTV image, who could have information that can help them with their enquiries.

If you think it is you in the image, or know the person pictured, contact Dyfed-Powys Police by calling 101. Quote reference: DPP/0002/02/02/2019/01/C

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