
Wales News Online

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Police make early-hour arrests following busy night of grassfires

SOUTH Wales Police arrested three people in the early hours of this morning on suspicion of committing arson with intent.

At approximately 4.45am, police stopped a car being driven along the A4059 and arrested two males, aged 19 and 17, and a female, aged 16.

All three individuals arrested remain in police custody at this time.

Officers made the arrests as fire service colleagues spent day and night tackling grassfires across the region.

Incidents include a 20 hectare fire in Ton Pentre, which individuals arrested are being linked to, and a large grass fire in Ystrad, Pentre, which spread across 15 hectares and was approximately 10 metres away from properties.

The fires are putting lives and peoples’ health at risk, and causing many thousands of pounds worth of damage to vegetation, destroying wildlife, and spoiling landscapes.

Inspector Rudall, from the Community Safety Partnership in Merthyr said: “We are working closely with South Wales Fire and Rescue Service and are fully committed to tackling what is a very serious problem. What is key for us is timeliness and quality of information – we urge the public to be vigilant, and to report incidents and suspicious behaviour to us as quickly as they can. Think – registration details if a vehicle is involved, clothing of suspects, and direction of travel. Everybody has a role to play, including parents and guardians who have a responsibility to manage the behaviour of their children.”

Anybody who has information about deliberate grassfires is urged to contact 101.

If they see a fire being started, or come across a fire, they should dial 999.

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