
Wales News Online

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Police thank schools and parents for help in averting children’s plans to fight

POLICE in Powys have thanked the schools and parents in Montgomeryshire who worked together following concerns about school children’s plans to fight.

The issue was raised with police in early October, following information that the children, aged in their late teens, were planning to meet in Newtown and Welshpool.

Police released a statement at the time warning the pupils they knew their plans and would deal with any offences. They also increased their usual presence at the annual fair in Newtown, as a precaution.

Inspector for Newtown, Matthew Price, said: “When we heard that children from local communities were organising fights it was obviously very concerning. The way the schools and parents have come together to tackle the problem has been great and I’d like to thank them for that.

“It’s because of this close working we haven’t experienced any fighting in our towns.

“There’s no justifying this type of behaviour, and we’re keen to stamp it out. We’re continuously monitoring the issue, and urge anyone with concerns or information to get in touch.”

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