
Wales News Online

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A TENDERING process to determine the costs of repairing potholes in roads throughout Blaenau Gwent County Borough has been agreed.
A confidential meeting of the council’s Executive Team Committee on Wednesday, July 21 heard a report by the authority’s Highways team had highlighted the need to carry out work on “badly potholed roads.”
The work is aimed at improving the conditions of residential roads throughout all 16 wards in Blaenau Gwent. Each ward will have some 400 square metres  of patching repairs done.
Executive member for the environment  Cllr Joanna Wilkins said: “I am really pleased that (the) Executive has agreed to provide extra funding to tackle pothole repairs.
“This is an important issue often raised by residents and visitors and the planned work will enable us to continue making road improvements that will enhance the highway infrastructure throughout the borough.
“The road surface quality will be much improved, becoming safer for everyday use.
“Additionally the work will be completed before the winter weather which can be harmful to our road surfaces, damaging them further if left unrepaired.”
At a meeting of the Community Services scrutiny committee on Monday, July 19, councillors had welcomed the opportunity of  being able to help decide which roads in the wards need fixing.
At the meeting street scene team manager, David Watkins told the committee that officers would discuss the work with all councillors during the next “two to three weeks.”
He added that a report would need to go in front of all councillors for final approval to allow funding from the council’s reserves to be used for the work.
The Additional Highways Maintenance Works 2021/22 report is also scheduled to be discussed in confidential session at a meeting of the full council on Thursday, July 29.

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