More than 200 pupils are isolating after a number of coronavirus cases were recorded at a primary school in Porthcawl.
To date, 26 people from West Park Primary School have tested positive for Covid-19 and 267 pupils have been told to isolate.
In a statement, Bridgend County Borough Council said parents and carers “have been advised to remain alert” and online learning has been arranged for any affected pupils.
A council spokesperson said four members of staff and 22 pupils have tested positive for coronavirus so far. They added “all staff and most pupils” in Year 1 are affected, with cases among pupils “also in nursery, reception, Year 2 and Year 3″.
The local authority is also urging parents and carers to “monitor their children for any symptoms of coronavirus, and to book a test immediately if they develop a new, continuous cough, a high temperature or a change to their sense of smell or taste”.
A walk-in mobile testing centre has been set-up in the local area at the Awel-Y-Mor Community Centre in Hutchwns Terrace (CF36 5TP). It is open from 9am to 3.30pm and appointments are currently not required.
Cllr Charles Smith, cabinet member for education and regeneration, said: “While UK infection rates are falling and many pandemic restrictions have been relaxed, coronavirus has not gone away.
“These new cases demonstrate why it is still vitally important for us all to keep our guard up, to wear a mask, follow the rules and to make every effort to minimise the potential for exposure.”
According to a council spokesperson, 68 siblings of children who are in isolating bubbles have been advised to stay home and 330 pupils are currently home learning.
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