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Rare chance to win £12,000 in children’s hospice lottery

A children’s charity hit hard by the Covid-19 pandemic is urging people to sign up to its lottery, with a fantastic cash prize up for grabs. Successive rollovers mean that charity lottery players could have a rare chance to win the maximum jackpot prize of £12,000 later this month.

Tŷ Hafan is encouraging new players to sign up prior to the big draw on Monday 20 July, which will see one Crackerjackpot player guaranteed to scoop the whole £12k prize for just £1 — a rare occasion, seen just twice a year.

For every week it is not won, the rollover increases by £500, and now after a 24-week streak the rollover is almost at its maximum and is guaranteed to be won by a lucky player in the next draw.

From just a £1 stake, players of Tŷ Hafan’s long-established lottery are in with a chance of winning one of 81 prizes every week, including the guaranteed £2,000 jackpot, lots of £5 and £10 prizes, plus the bumper rollover fund. The lottery is a vital way for the charity to raise funds with current lockdown and social distancing measures making almost all other fundraising activities impossible over a number of months.

Tŷ Hafan’s newly appointed chief executive, Maria Timon Samra, explains:

“There couldn’t be a better time to play Crackerjackpot. It’s not often that our rollover reaches the £12k maximum, so it’s exciting time for our current players and a perfect opportunity for new players to get involved to try and bag the top prize.

“Now more than ever we are relying on the lottery as an important source of our hospice’s fundraising. One of Tŷ Hafan’s largest income streams, it brings in over £1 million every year, just shy of a quarter of the funds needed to deliver our expert care annually to life-limited children and their families in Wales.”

Established in 1998, Crackerjackpot was an integral part of the fundraising drive to open the doors of Wales’ first ever children’s hospice 21 years ago.

Despite the lottery having grown tremendously, now with over 31,000 players a week, the Charity is aiming to expand its player base to help the hospice overcome the fundraising challenge posed by the pandemic. Maria added:

“We feel lucky that our hospice lottery has been able to continue throughout the Covid crisis, but we need more players behind us. At £1 a week, it’s a very low-cost way to support this special charity while being in with a chance to win”.

“We have been badly affected by the pandemic because nearly all of our fundraising activities have been postponed or cancelled for the foreseeable future, leaving a significant hole in our funding this year.”

Tŷ Hafan has developed a new website making it even easier to sign up to take part in the weekly draws and help Tŷ Hafan continue to care through the crisis.

Play today by visiting lottery.tyhafan.org or contact us on 02920 532 300.

Tŷ Hafan is urging people to play ‘Crackerjackpot’ as rollover reaches its maximum Twins, Catherine and Kirstie Fields, from Llanelli, who are supported by Tŷ Hafan ask people across Wales to get behind Tŷ Hafan and their Crackerjackpot lottery during this national emergency]

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