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Re-opening: Welsh businesses need urgent clarity from government says Plaid

Plaid Cymru have called on the Welsh Government to provide more clarity and guidance to Welsh businesses ahead of any further easing of restrictions.

First Minister Mark Drakeford confirmed today in the Welsh Government press conference that the reopening of non-essential shops was on the cards.

Ministers are expected to announce their next steps on Friday following the next review of Wales’ lockdown restrictions on Thursday.

Plaid Cymru Shadow Minister for the Economy Helen Mary Jones MS said the safety of the public should come first ahead of any further easing of restrictions but called upon the Welsh Government to provide guidance to Welsh businesses on how they could open up safely.

Ms Jones called specifically for “detailed sectoral guidance” for specific sectors including the tourism and hospitality sectors which she said were facing “untold economic damage” due to the crisis.

Helen Mary Jones MS said,

“The safety and well-being of the public must come first ahead of any further easing of restrictions.

However, the Welsh Government must provide guidance to Welsh businesses on how they can open up safely. That includes detailed sectoral guidance for specific sectors including the tourism and hospitality sectors that are facing untold economic damage due to this crisis.

“Welsh businesses urgently need more clarity from government.


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