
Wales News Online

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Roadside applause for inspirational nurse as funeral cortège passes through Llanelli hospital grounds

HUNDREDS of people turned out to line part of the route of the funeral cortège for a nurse Assistant Director of Nursing  at Prince Philip Hospital Mrs. Carol Cotterell.

Mrs. Cotterell passed away  on 13th December 2020.

Mrs Cotterell was a much respected and admired colleague within the health board and the NHS during throughout her remarkable nursing career.

David Hurford of Radio BGM at Prince Philip Hospital said: “A lot of people turned out to pay their respects for a remarkable lady. At 11 am this morning the funeral cortège drove through the hospital grounds as onlookers stood by in somber mood. It was an amazing show of support to a lady who was respected by all the nursing staff at Prince Philip Hospital.”

Colleagues wishing to share a personal message of thanksgiving can email their message to Loved.Forever.HDD@wales.nhs.uk and they will be included in a remembrance book to be shared with Mrs Cotterell’s family.

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