
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

CONTROVERSIAL plans to demolish a former Rogerstone pub and replace it with 21 flats has been recommended for approval by Newport City Council planners for a second time.

The plans, which would see the former Olde Oak Stave on Ruskin Avenue demolished to make way for three blocks of flats, had previously been deferred by the city council’s planning committee in December “to allow further time to consider whether the planning contributions should be varied”.

The site sits within the Mount Pleasant housing estate and would be located on land currently occupied by the pub and its gardens.

The building has remained empty for a while, following a temporary spell as a coffee shop.

If approved, the site would house 21 two-bed flats, of which six would be affordable housing.

The 21 flats would be provided across three apartment blocks, and the development would have 50 car parking spaces across two locations.

However, the council has received 64 representations and a petition with 39 signatures. A further seven representations were received following a consultation of amended plans in October 2020.

Concerns were raised over access, increases in traffic and anti-social behaviour.

In particular, concerns were raised about the traffic from the nearby Mount Pleasant Junior School, insufficient parking and inadequate traffic calming measures.

The original proposal had 24 flats but this was reduced to 21 after concerns over scale.

If approved, the development would be subject to what is a called a Section 106 agreement, requiring the applicant to contribute 30 per cent affordable housing to be transferred to a registered social landlord and to contribute £44,367 to upgrade and maintain formal play at Cefn Wood and informal play at land to the rear of Ruskin Avenue.

The application will be decided by the council’s planning committee on Wednesday (February 3).

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