
Wales News Online

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THERE has been a breach in security at Pembrey Airport in Carmarthenshire. The airport, which is used to refuel armed forces aircraft, the emergency services and domestic aircraft was broken into on January 8th 2020.

Pembrey Airport’s Operations Manager, David Howells posted on the Friends and enthusiasts of Pembrey Airport Facebook page: “Hi All, Pembrey Airport was broken into last night (Jan 8) and some of our equipment has been stolen., this follows on from batteries and a hose stolen week from our Avatar bowser, if anyone has any information please contact me.”

In another Facebook post Mr Howells says: “Lost I think 14 truck batteries in a fortnight.”

In a reply to a question on social media  regarding CCTV at the airport  Mr Howells says:  It (CCTV) was facing but too far away.”

Mr Howells was asked whether the hanger was locked and he confirmed that it was locked and that the thieves had ripped the sheeting off the side of the hangar.

Pembrey Airport is situated in the Royal Airforce ‘Danger Area’ ref D118 known as Pembrey Sands Air Weapons Range.

Photographer Peter A Tully visited the airport and asked to speak to the owner Captain Winston Thomas MBE. Captain Thomas was unavailable for comment.

Scenes of Crimes Officers from Dyfed-Powys Police were in attendance on 10/01/2020.


Photos: Peter A Tully







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