
Wales News Online

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Seven men from Cardiff have been jailed for a total of seven years and two months.

Following a routine stop in September, officers uncovered information from phones seized which led to a number of properties being searched and several cannabis factories with a significant street value found, seized and destroyed.

An investigation by the Cardiff and Vale Organised Crime Team, saw the men charged and remanded. Such was the strength of evidence against them that they all since pleaded guilty to the production of cannabis.

They were sentenced on Friday November 12:

Klodian Skeja, aged 25 – 28 months
Shkelzen Skeja, aged 34 – 28 Months
Arjet Gjata, aged 42 – 6 months
Eldijon Cota, aged 25 – 6 months
Erdisjon Gjura, aged 25 – 6 months
Lerbi Xhemollari, aged 29 – 6 months
Xhorei Hushi, aged 23 – 6 months
Detective Constable Dominic Belotti said:

“These sentences will have a great impact on disrupting the supply of drugs into the communities of Cardiff.

“We recognise the harm that comes with the supply of drugs into an area, and we are committed to dealing with those responsible for such criminality.

“We continue to encourage people to contact us with any information or concerns relating to drugs supply in their community.

“If you suspect drug dealing is taking place or you are concerned that a young person or vulnerable adult may have been targeted by an organised crime group, please tell us. You don’t have to be certain, just concerned.”

Reports can be made by one of the following means, or anonymously via the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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Via email: SWP101@south-wales.police.uk

Phone: 101

In an emergency, always dial 999.

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