
Wales News Online

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Six year sentence for 23-year-old man who raped a woman

A man has been sentenced to six years for rape.

Jake Evans-Hodgeson, aged 23, from Swansea, was charged with rape and sentenced at Swansea Crown Court on Friday (Nov 19).He was found guilty by a jury at an earlier hearing.The court heard, the offence took place in September 2020 in Swansea.

Detective Constable Emma Robbins, officer in the case, said:

“I would like to commend the victim for showing the strength and courage throughout this investigation, in order to ensure Hodgeson was brought to justice.

“I hope this sentence provides some sort of closure and comfort for the victim and she attempts to move on with her life.

“I cannot imagine how difficult it must be to come forward to report sexual abuse but I want to reassure anyone considering doing so that there is a whole range of support out there, not only from the police but from partner agencies who can help you through the entire process.”

Sexual abuse can be reported via:
Go to: https://bit.ly/SWPReportOnline
Send us a private message on Facebook/Twitter
Via email: SWP101@south-wales.police.uk
Phone: 101
Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Alternatively, help, advice and support can be sought from Sexual Assault Referral Centres (SARC). Visit http://thesurvivorstrust.org/sarc/ or contact 02920 335795.

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