
Wales News Online

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Super Sixth Science Week at Fochriw Primary School

FOCHRIW Primary school recently marked the sixth annual British Science Week, a celebration of everything that is science.

The week was strategically planned with curriculum design focusing on ambitious, capable learners with fun and innovation at the heart of the provision. It needed careful consideration with Foundation Phase children and children at the ‘Hub’ on-site and the remainder of children working at home. Rising to the challenge, the school put on an incredible feast of ‘Scientific Superness’ so the children did not miss out on this annual event.

British Science Week kick-started with a science show from ‘Scientific Sue,’ a virtual supermarket science experience. An exciting week unfolded with practical problem solving, participation in the Crest Awards, a virtual trip to a Water Treatment Works and a wealth of virtual visitors. The visitors who inspired the young scientists at Fochriw Primary School included a doctor, an Xbox engineer, a cybersecurity expert and a medical researcher at the cutting edge of Coronavirus vaccine research!

Miss Johns, Science Lead Teacher at Fochriw Primary School said:

“The children enjoyed the challenges British Science Week brought. Although it has been slightly different this year, it has nonetheless been deemed a great success. The focus of questioning and problem solving ensures our young scientists are nurtured from an early age.”

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