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SWP response to Welsh Government Coronavirus announcement

Following the announcement by the First Minister that some restrictions in Wales will ease from Saturday, South Wales Police is urging the public to take personal responsibility for their actions and continue to do the right thing.

While there will no longer be a requirement to stay at home, the public are urged to stay local to help slow the spread of Covid-19 and reduce the risk of a further wave of infection.

From Saturday, four people from two households will be allowed to meet outdoors, including in private gardens. Some outdoor sports facilities will reopen and rules around care home visits will be relaxed, see more https://gov.wales/stay-local-wales-takes-first-steps-out-of-lockdown

A number of restrictions will remain in place, and our officers and the Joint Enforcement Teams, which operate in all seven local authority areas, will continue to tackle blatant or repeated breaches that pose a serious risk to public health, such as house parties and large gatherings.

Chief Superintendent Andy Valentine said: “I know today’s review of the restrictions will be welcome news to so many. It’s been a challenging year for us all and we all want to see an end to the restrictions that have had such an impact on all of our lives.

“But as the First Minister has made clear, the risk of Covid-19 is still present. A third wave of infections could happen if we lose control of the virus, especially with Variants of Concern emerging.”

“I’d ask the public to approach these changes in restrictions responsibly and with caution, and not risk undoing all that has been achieved to date.”

“Our officers will continue to be out in our communities, engaging with the public to ensure these latest changes are understood, and encouraging people to do the right thing.

“Where necessary, we will continue to take enforcement action and work with our partners, particularly the local authorities, to tackle deliberate and flagrant breaches of the public health regulations.

“However, as restrictions ease, personal responsibility will be even more important in bringing the pandemic to an end.”

“Policing COVID-19 has been one of the most demanding operations in the force’s history and I would like to thank those who have made sacrifices throughout the pandemic and complied with the restrictions.

“The support of our communities over the last year has been so important to everyone who serves in South Wales Police and we are really grateful.

“We remain committed to playing our part in helping to keep people safe from this virus and we hope that the public will continue to help us by following Welsh Government regulations.”

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