MAE Tîm Dysgu a Datblygu Cyngor Sir Ceredigion wedi derbyn cydnabyddiaeth am eu hymateb i bandemig Covid-19. Ar ddydd Iau...
Ceredigion C C
ANOTHER 15 houses are to be built in a north Ceredigion seaside village as outline planning is approved. Members of...
PLANNING permission for an agricultural shed already built near Llangybi has been refused by Ceredigion County Council. Retrospective planning was...
CEREDIGION council needs to move back to face to face consultation instead of “excluding half the population” by carrying out...
BEFORE becoming a full-time author, T. Llew Jones was a primary school teacher in Ceredigion for 35 years, and died in 2009. He published over 50 books for adults and children. Some of them were adapted for television and were shown around the world. Councillor Catrin M S Davies, Cabinet Member with responsibility for Library Services, said: "Every...
CEREDIGION county farm tenants will be asked to join a task and finish group to look at how best to...
A REPORT detailing the decision to buy a Cardigan car park which a number of councillors said they new nothing...
IMPROVEMENTS to Ceredigion’s planning service are underway with proposals to deal with the “backlog” being implemented. Audit Wales highlighted “significant...
THE first part of this year has been “very busy” for the social care team protecting Ceredigion’s children and vulnerable...
CEREDIGION'S exam results were above the Wales average according to provisional data to be presented next week. Members of the...