
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

Time for nation to come together says Plaid Leader Adam Price as Wales to go into ‘firebreak’ lockdown from Friday

RESPONDING to the news that Wales will go into a national lockdown from Friday 23 October to Monday 9 November, Plaid Cymru Leader Adam Price MS said,

“A fire break is a last resort and should only be used in an emergency. We are now in an emergency.

“The time the fire break buys us must be used build up a resilient test trace and isolate system in Wales which means we can prevent being in the position we’re currently in where the case numbers have risen to the point where they can overwhelm an already exhausted NHS.

“We also need to ensure the safeguarding of workplaces, and that sufficient financial support is available for businesses and their employees who will be directly impacted by this fire break.

“It’s time for us as a nation to come together once again – as communities, as Government and as Opposition – working together to protect our NHS and save lives.

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