
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

Time to saddle up as Brompton’s arrive at local train stations

PEOPLE coming to and from Llanelli, Burry Port and Carmarthen train stations will be humming the lyrics to Queen’s ‘Bicycle’ as Brompton’s famous folding bikes are being provided for hire.

Brompton bike hubs have been installed at the three stations as part of Carmarthenshire Council’s ambitions for the area to become the ‘cycling hub of Wales’.

For as little as £3.50 a day, people can hire the folding bikes, taking them on the train, or exploring the network of paths springing up across the area.

Local Member of the Senedd Lee Waters said:

“I’ve been riding a folding bike for years and they are brilliant, once you get the hang of them!”

“This will be great for people arriving by train to explore our beautiful area, with cycle routes now stretching from Bynea to Kidwelly, and Swiss Valley to Cross Hands. A really fantastic addition to our railway communities and tourism economy.”

The Deputy Transport Minister who is responsible for active travel in Wales added:

“Because Brompton’s fold down so small, you don’t need to book ahead when boarding a train, and you can take them on a bus too. This will make it easier for people looking to cycle the so called ‘last mile’ between where they get off a bus or train and their final destination. I’m really pleased to see Carmarthenshire Council thinking ahead like this, and making active travel a more attractive and viable option for people living in our area.”

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