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Trade Centre Wales founder trades off with young people over skatepark

THE Founder of Trade Centre Wales, Mark Bailey has been criticised for approaching skateboarders in a skate park opposite his home in the Mumbles.

Mark Bailey confronting the youngsters. Youtube

Mr Bailey whose company had a net worth of £49,053,000.00 in 2019 can be seen on a youtube video speaking to the young people who were skating at the park, which is opposite his home. He asks them to watch their language as some of them begin to use swear words. His wife Rhiannon is filming the young people using a mobile phone.

Mr Bailey begins talking to the young people saying “we are having a bit of a war here, driving past in my brand new Ferrari giving me a load of abuse calling me a C***. One youngster points out that it wasn’t him and asks why he is being blamed.

The young person then begins skating and Mr. Bailey can be heard saying “you touch her and i’ll f****** smash your face in.”

Mr Bailey tells the youngsters that they don’t live there (Mumbles) and that he has lived there for twenty years.

He tells the young people that he was asked to sponsor a skateboard park saying; “I’ve offered £500,000 to build a skatepark in a different location. And what answer did I get? You don’t want my money.”

The youngsters tell him that it is the best place for a skatepark and that he does not skate so would not know.

Local residents have complained about motorists beeping their horns as they pass the home of Mr Bailey, in support of the skateboarders.


Commentators on social media said:

Don’tWorryAboutIt: “He’s just p’d he can’t throw money and make this disappear. What a loser, genuinely nothing better to do.”

Sniffer Evans: “Being able to skate is better than having any particular car – Ferrari or otherwise. I kind of pity these people. They actually believe that personal possessions are the key to happiness. Their behaviour in this instance and in general proves how wrong they are.”

William James: “IM DRIVIN PAST IN MY BRAND NEW FERRARI” what a way to engage with working-class kids that want a skate park.”

CorvetteAustin24: “Tell him to give you $1000 and you’ll stop skating today. Do it every day.”

Sazilla: “I haven’t skated since I was 16, almost 10 years ago, but I’m coming this saturday with my old beaten up board just to show him the number of people that support this park, I wish I had what the proposed plan promises when I was a kid. I was here 10 years ago. Who else is coming?”

SC: “In his mind a civil conversation is also looking down on the people in every way. Not really a problem solver is he ?!”

Lorna Chamberlain: “Mark was apparently in Monaco on the weekend…. he should be in 10 day quarantine!”

Chris Broad: “Kids behaved impeccably despite being baited. Well done.”

Alfie Williams” “imagine being a millionaire and starting conflict with a bunch of 17 year olds because it mildly inconveniences your rich lifestyle. kinda sad.”

Mr. Bailey has since apologised publicly for his behaviour saying:

“Having taken time to reflect on the footage of the altercation that was filmed at the skate park on Wednesday evening, my wife Rhianon and I unreservedly apologise for our actions that evening.

I will make a point of going across and personally apologising to the skaters at the appropriate time over the coming days.

Whilst it is by no means an excuse, my family and I have been subject to significant abuse over the days leading up to the incident, culminating in objects and verbal abuse being thrown at me as I tried to drive into my home on Wednesday.

This was the final straw which prompted our actions which we now bitterly regret. We were all young once and watching the video again today, I see more than a little bit of my younger self in the actions of those that I confronted.

I do understand why the skaters are so passionate about the skate park and whilst I now concede on making any objection to the redevelopment at that location, I also stand by my offer to significantly invest in a state-of-the art facility elsewhere in the Borough with proper facilities and parking.

I do hope that those involved will accept my apology when I get to speak with them.

Our family has always been a huge supporter of charitable and community projects in South Wales, but we will now double-down on that work with even more of an emphasis on supporting young people.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and once again please accept our apologies if you were affected by our actions in any way whatsoever.”

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