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Two Premier convenience stores caught breaching Covid regulations

OFFICIALS caught two Premier stores breaching coronavirus regulations in Bridgend and warned they could be closed if they do not improve.

Council workers gave improvement notices to Llan Mini-Market (Bridgend Rd, Llangynwyd) and Picton Stores (Picton St, Maesteg) on Thursday, March 11.

According to Bridgend County Borough Council, officers from the Shared Regulatory Service (SRS) found the staff at Llan Mini-Market were wearing face masks but their noses were not covered.

They also found staff at Picton Stores working without masks and there was no hand sanitiser provided at the entrance of the shop.

Bridgend Council would not say how many members of staff were caught breaching regulations at each business.

Both businesses were given 48 hours to comply with the rules. Failure to comply can result in closure, a fixed penalty notice, or being taken to court.

The SRS, a partnership between South Wales Police and BridgendCardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan councils, carries out checks on licensed premises to ensure they comply with government guidelines.

Officers have issued 87 improvement notices to businesses in Bridgend county borough and temporarily closed six for breaching the Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (Wales) Regulations 2020.

The service has also given 68 improvement notices to businesses breaching coronavirus regulations in Cardiff and 57 to premises in the Vale of Glamorgan.

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