
Wales News Online

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Views of Swansea businesses wanted to shape Covid-19 recovery plans

SWANSEA businesses are wanted to fill out a Covid-19 questionnaire about their current and future needs.

Responses from the questionnaire – which is live until Sunday, April 18 – will help Public Health Wales and partners develop programmes that address the pandemic recovery needs of employers, while also improving the health of Wales’ working population.

The questionnaire is aimed at:

Capturing the health needs of the Welsh workforce both now and in future;

Determining key issues to consider and how best to respond; and

Finding out what support is currently available and identifying any gaps in the provision.

Questions include which health and well-being problems employers are most concerned about over the next 12 months, what mechanisms employers have in place to create a healthy working environment, and what systems employers use to support members of staff who are on sick leave.

Other questions include which measures, if any, employers have taken or are expecting to take in response to the impact of Covid-19.

It forms part of the Healthy Working Wales programme being delivered by Public Health Wales on behalf of the Welsh Government.

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