
Wales News Online

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Warning to pubs and public on flouting coronavirus law

PUBS in Carmarthenshire are being warned that if they are caught flouting the coronavirus lockdown they could be closed permanently.

Residents are also being warned that if there are found gathering at licensed premises, they could be issued with a fixed penalty notice.

Pubs, bars and clubs were officially ordered to close by the Government to prevent the spread of Covid-19 and save lives.

The council’s licensing and trading standards officers are working with the police to enforce the closure rules.

Compliance visits are being made across the county and any premises found to be in breach will be served with a prohibition notice, which if not complied with will result in prosecution with unlimited fines, and ultimately a loss of their licence.

Fines will also be issued to members of the public found gathering at any premises.

The council’s Executive Board Member for Public Protection, Cllr Philip Hughes said: “The message is clear, we all need to play our part in the fight against coronavirus and stay at home.

“We will not think twice about taking action against premises who think the rules don’t apply to them. These businesses and the people using them are risking their own lives and the lives of others.

“Any business in Carmarthenshire found to be in breach will not only face legal action but also the revocation of their alcohol licence, meaning that the business will be closed permanently. Similarly, we will not hesitate to fine anyone caught gathering at these premises.

“We are appealing to both licensees and the public for their co-operation, these are difficult times, but by working together we will get through it.”

Anyone with information about premises operating illegally should report it to the police or contact the council on 01267 234567 or by emailing publicprotection@carmarthenshire.go.uk

Financial help and support is available for small businesses in Carmarthenshire affected by the coronavirus crisis, details can be found on our website.

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