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Welsh Ambulance Service asks public to download life-saving what3words app

THE Welsh Ambulance Service is asking the public to download a life-saving app which helps it to find people in remote locations in an emergency.

The Trust has used what3words to locate more than 800 ill or injured people in hard-to-reach areas since it introduced the technology in February 2020.

what3words has divided the world into a grid of 3m x 3m squares, and has given each square a unique combination of three words.

///validated.deeds.nature, for example, will take you to the Tommy Jones Obelisk in the Brecon Beacons National Park.

Giving this unique three-word combination to 999 operators in an emergency means they can establish your precise location.

what3words is now used by more than 85% of UK emergency services.

Gill Pleming, Clinical Contact Centre Manager at the Welsh Ambulance Service, said: “what3words has proven to be such a hugely valuable tool since we launched it last year, helping us to locate 800 ill or injured people in remote locations who otherwise we would have struggled to find.

“With the popularity of ‘staycations’ on the rise, we’re anticipating more visitors to Wales than ever before, which is why we would urge the public to download this free app now in order to save precious time in an emergency.”

Downloading what3words is one of the simplest actions the public can take to support stretched emergency control rooms.

The app is free to download for both iOS and Android and works entirely offline making it ideal for use in areas of the UK with an unreliable data connection, like beaches, national parks and campsites.

what3words can also be used via the online map at what3words.com.

The app is available in over 45 languages, including Welsh, and can be used anywhere in the world.

Chris Sheldrick, co-founder and Chief Executive of what3words, said: “Being in need of urgent help and not being able to easily describe where help is needed can be very distressing for the caller, and a really difficult situation for emergency services.

“Today people nearly always have their phones on them.

“Ahead of a busy summer, with Brits holidaying at home, we need to use the tools at our disposal to improve public services, support emergency control centres and potentially save lives.”

The Welsh Ambulance Service is supporting the what3words #KnowExactlyWhere campaign (26 July-01 August) which calls on the public to download the app.

Visit www.knowexactlywhere.com for more information.

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